There is a lot of weird stuff going on in the Corona Virus CoViD-19 arena.  It just doesn't stack up.  Most of the 'data' offered by the government is out of context and appears to be deliberately misleading and scaremongering.  Most of the 'media' recite the government lines without question.  In fact   there are now calls for censorship of factual data on the efficacy, side effects and potential hams of 'vaccines' (for example).  The UK is rapidly turning into a fascist, discriminatory, totalitarian dystopia.


This page poses important observations and questions over the current response to the Corona Virus, such that it is.  However this content IN NO WAY is designed to stop anyone obeying the rules.  I believe we should be rigorously examining the government's rationale and motives for any action, rules or legislation but if this is thought to be excessive, irrelevant, counter-productive  or just plain stupid that is a matter to be dealt with by electing a competent government that will work for the people and not for the scum layer.  Meantime.... OBEY THE LAW,  OBSERVE THE GUIDANCE, CHECK YOUR REFERENCES and look for competent representation.


Sometimes we need to step away from a problem to better see it in context and get a more real view of what we ae dealing with.  In this first chart I look at the year to date death rate data from the ONS to see how the death rate in 2020 compares with the same period in each of the years from 2001.  This is a more comforting view of where we are than the sensationalised BS being pumped out by the government and the media.  Let's get a little comforting perspective.  There were a few more deaths in 2020 but this was by no means unprecedented.  In this context we can see that we were far less likely to die in 2020 than in 2001 - for example.  The comparison with the last 5 years appears deliberately contrived to foster fear and support the "127,000 Covid deaths" narrative to support draconian abuses of freedom and privacy.


A wise person once said.  If something just doesn't make sense... It probably doesn't make sense.  How could it be that what appears to be a relatively benign virus has cause such a global fiasco and caused so much mayhem in so many places around the world.  It has driven censorship in social media and what appear to be ridiculous economic shut-downs.  While we all talk about lavatory roll, domestic lock-downs and students being robbed of their education and experience we sit on our hands and watch draconian breaches of human rights in 'civilised', 'democratic' societies.  In the UK we have a government legislating to restrict citizen rights over the 'advice' of an unelected bunch of academics.  Meanwhile, tens of trillions are printed to reinflate and re-start a dying global ponzi scheme of monumental proportions.  Does something stink here?  Just a question....


The classification of cause of death is by no means a clear cut issue.  It is open to interpretation.  ONS statistics in the UK use the  'International Classification of Diseases' (ICD–10) to code cause of death. ICD– 10 was introduced in England and Wales in January 2001.  It was changed in 2010.  When we look at mortality data it is important to understand when looking at the cause of death we know what we are talking about.  (Most lazy journalists don't bother to find this stuff out they just quote the latest shocking 'statistic') 

'Underlying cause of death' is defined by the World Health Organisation (WHO)  as:
(a) the disease or injury which initiated the train of morbid events leading directly to death, or (b) the circumstances of the accident or violence which produced the fatal injury

It is really super important to understand this.  When we are looking to make policy decisions that compromise the rights of citizens (rights of freedom, rights to privacy and right to economic prosperity) then we ought to know what we are dealing with.  When the ONS say a death is 'due' to Corona Virus this means, at best, that the Doctor who wrote the medical certificate thought that Corona Virus may have initiated the the train of events that lead to the death.  In the early stages of the Corona Virus they just guessed.  There were no tests.  We need to be very careful how we look at this data.



On 19 March 2020 COVID-19 was declared no longer to be a "High Consequence Infectious Disease" (HCID) in the UK by Public Health England.  A couple of days later the UK Government introduced lockdowns (house arrest) and the most oppressive Bill in British Parliamentary history. The Emergency Bill, which was 358 pages long, effectively turned Britain into a totalitarian state and gave the Government and the police unprecedented powers. Public meetings and elections were banned and there were new powers relating to 'restrictions on use and disclosure of information'.   The severity downgrade didn't make the news. 


It is often said 'you get what you look for' or 'you find what you focus on'.  If you look for bad stuff happening in the world - you'll find it!  If you look for good stuff happening in the world - you'll find it!  If as a Doctor you are told to look for a new 'disease' that fits a set of criteria then, you'll probably find it!  Given that the 'underlying cause of death' is by no means a clear cut thing it is interesting to look at the death rate data for the top 10 'causes' of death in July 2020.  It really looks like we are reclassifying other causes.  We need to be super careful that we don't disappear up our arses on this stuff.  This appears to be bordering on the irresponsible (and probably criminal) from both the medical profession and the Office of National Statistics.