A range of important questions that we should have an informed conversation about.  

Many of these issues are regularly consigned by the compliant media to the catchall "conspiracy theory" bucket.  Others are hardly discussed at all.  That is the way the scum layer like it (and, mostly, enforce it).  The scum layer has a significant preference for minimal scrutiny, shallow journalism and lazy journalists.  The issues raised here are by no means open and shut cases.  They demand rigorous scrutiny and debate.  The "conspiracy theory" catch-all is a deliberate misdirection device used to shut down coherent conversations.


The scum layer has financialised the global economy and exclusively benefits from money creation.  In the UK around 97% of the money in the economy is created out of thin air by private banks who issue it as debt mostly with no backing.  The 'repayment' of the principal and interest on this debt by individuals and companies is value that is sucked away from the creators of value (the citizens of the UK) by unelected financial cartels and this forces the whole of the UK into unnecessary debt and tax based enslavement.  Q. Are you cool with private banks creating money out of thin air and robbing the country of most of its wealth?


There is a huge impetus by the scum layer to force the narratives of "informed by science"  and "evidence based" decision making.  The trick in this process is to control the 'evidence' and groom compliant 'experts'.  This is easily done by funding compatible research and suppressing inconvenient findings.  Discrediting scientists who don't toe the line or come up with controversial evidence helps to keep the media in line and suppress debate on key issues of health and the environment.  A revolving door between corporations, civil service and government keeps the scum layer in control of the agenda. Q. Do you think it is OK for government ministers and/or advisors to be corrupted or controlled or bribed by corporate interests?


The scum layer is making a huge effort to consign genuine concerns over the adverse health issues around 5G into the "conspiracy" bucket.  A very significant effort has been made in particular during 2020 to conflate scientific concerns about the health effects of 5G with the "Coronavirus Conspiracy".   This has been a clever move and has largely succeeded in suppressing debate over the negative impact of 5G on human health.  Q.  Are you comfortable with the UK government and regulators ignoring the concerns of a large body of credible scientists without any coherent public debate?  


The NHS in the UK has the potential to be a global icon in human wellbeing.  It is staffed by a huge army of people who are dedicated and committed and who have a vocational calling to their work and inputs.  But the NHS model is fundamentally flawed with its focus on disease rather than health.  It is being used as a purchasing funnel for unnecessary drugs, medical equipment and expensive infrastructure.  The top 10 killers in the UK are, for the most part, avoidable and the NHS model is expressly designed to find a market for drugs and procedures rather than create wellbeing and prevent unnecessary disease.  Q.  Are you happy that the NHS focuses on unnecessary drug and equipment distribution rather than contributing to health promotion, wellbeing enhancement and prevention?


The UK prides itself on the 'rule of law' and the contribution that English law has made to the world.  Unfortunately the law is manipulated to work at two levels.  One set of rules for the scum layer and, effectively, a different 'tier' of rules for the rabble.  The scum layer ensures control of law by controlling the ascendancy of compliant lawyers and judges and effectively controlling the legislative agenda.  Long-term, effective control of both Houses of Parliament prevents non-compliant legislation that might threaten the scum layer franchise.  Q. Are you happy with a legal system deliberately contrived to favour the scum layer, drive inequality and disadvantage those unable to afford or engage scum lawyers? 


Multiple flavours of crisps, 69 flavours of jelly beans, scores of brands of beer... BUT only 2 political parties.  This is by design.  Offer just two options to voters and ensure the two parties offer two sides of a very narrow debate that does not impact, in any way, the preferences of the scum layer.  If you can control the selection and/or actions of MPs in these two compliant parties you can control the house.  By playing the long game, it is possible to control the second chamber with enough patsy ‘Lords’ who will toe the line.  It is a 'democracy' in name only.  Q.  Are you really satisfied with the patsy puppets in the two party options presented to the UK electorate?    


The scum layer has devised a brilliant way to make 'Government' impotent.  The country is really run by three axes:  1) A compliant Civil Service, 2) A compliant judiciary and 3) Private banks and financial institutions who create and control money.  Parliament and the notion of an elected 'Government' is a charade.  It makes for lots of chats and conversations in the media but the reality is that the longevity of the Civil Service, the Judiciary and the Banks far outlives the patsy, puppet politicians yet this pantomime is all we talk about.  Q.  Do you really believe that the 'Government' really has any material influence over policy or gives a crap for the people?


The scum layer works hard to suppress debate on vaccinations.  It is a massive business and it is seen as the future of the global pharmaceutical industry.  We will look at evidence that poses significant questions over both the efficacy and safety of vaccinations that it is important to debate.  This is not an 'Anti-Vax' position (as the scum layer would like to label it).  It is, rather, a responsible call for informed debate and, indeed, informed consent.  Q.  How many children/people do you think it is OK to kill or maim in the (purported but by no means proven) 'common interest'?